Get Connected

Basic Bible Truths
Has God been working in your life in such a way that you have questions you’d like to be answered?
We offer a series of 5 one-hour classes that do just that:
personal, private classes for 1 or for more, that lay out—in God’s Word, easy to see—His terminology, His view, His plan and His truth.
To set up your Bible Lesson call or text today:
832-561-5664, 832-561-2233 or email &
We have several trained teachers to accommodate your schedule!

Awana Clubs are exciting Bible clubs for children 3 years (by Sept 1) thru 12th Grade. See our Awana Page for more information.
Home Teams
One way to get plugged into the Lighthouse is to join one of our many small groups called Home Teams. These casual gatherings center on friendship and fellowship. We have four 8 week sessions each year. Home Teams meet in homes throughout the community and feature a great meal, a Bible-centered discussion about real life issues, a special time to pray for one another, and then dessert. Everyone is welcome!

Student Ministries
The TEEN Ministry of LBC. Teens 7th-12th grades meet for youth group every Sunday at 9:45 am. Our Associate Pastor/Youth Director leads us in a message from God's Word just for teens! We have two outings in the Summer: Church Camp/Family and Rodger's Baptist Church Youth & Missions conference in Garland TX. Contact Justin Curtis at 832-561-2233 for more information!

Music Ministry
The Praise Team rehearses 6 pm Wednesday nights and 8 am Sunday mornings. Those who have musical talent, whether vocal or instrumental, are encouraged to use their talents to lead the church in worshiping and glorifying the Lord.
Secret Sisters
A ministry of encouragement for ladies. Each participant is randomly matched to another Secret Sister for whom they will pray for and send anonymous cards, letters, occasional gifts and tokens of appreciation. Each four month session ends with a reveal luncheon, when identies are revealed and new Secret Sisters are drawn. A great way to connect with other ladies!